"We want Calvary Baptist Church to bring glory to the name of God in all that we do. This happens by proclaiming the truth of the Gospel in our city and local communities. Showing them that we love them and through our love they see that only through Jesus can we have hope, peace, & joy with our Creator!"
The Father who sent the Son; Jesus (The Son) who is our Savior, Master, & Good Shepherd; The Holy Spirit who draws humanity to the Son and guides the people of God. It is for the Glory of our Triune God that we as humanity exist and it is for His glory that the Church Exists. We desire to proclaim the glorious gospel to the ends of the Earth which reveals the truth of who our God is.
God’s Word is the ultimate authority and completely sufficient for all matters of life, faith, and practice. Scripture (and All of Scripture alone) is to dictate how we live our lives and guide the ministry of Christ's Bride (2 Pet.1:3; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
In our current culture that wrongly seeks to exist without absolutes, the church, and its leaders, must have the bedrock of Scripture as their one and only measuring device for all things.
The church is not a building you go to, it is a family that you belong to. This is why God's Word says that we are co-heirs with Christ. (Rom. 8:17) Adopted sons & daughters of the Living God & therefore, brothers & sisters in the faith. (John 1:12; Heb. 10:19) The familial love we have for one another stands as a testament to the world that we are Disciples of Jesus Christ. (John 13:24-25) For us to be the church that God truly desired for us to be we must realize we are family committed to each other through good and bad and not consumers looking for a “spiritual product.”
As a family we serve one another as Christ has served us. Many people are looking for a church that will serve them. We desire to be a church that helps people ask, “How can I serve the body of Christ with the gifts I have been given?” We believe each person has been given special gifts and that those gifts are intended for the building up of God’s church (1 Cor. 12).
Make – God saves people, but He often uses His people to do so. So we share the Gospel and our lives with those around us. We seek to intimately live life together with authenticity and Gospel intentionality.
Mature – Sharing the Gospel with one another doesn’t end at salvation. Jesus & The Apostles preached the Gospel to the church over and over and over again as they discipled believers. Discipleship is vital to church growth and the responsibility of every believer. This Discipleship leads to the ongoing process of our santification which leads us to being made more into the image of the Son.
Multiply – In the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) given to us by our Savior, we are commanded to Go to the ends of the Earth. We are to Make Disciples, Baptize them, & Teach them all that Christ has commanded of His people.
As people become more like Christ, they start to make disciples and mature them. That’s how the church grows. As leaders develop and God calls them we send them out – whether it’s a missionary, or a church planter, or even a college student heading off to school.